Core Values

If character is what you do when no one is watching, then our values are what drive our actions whether people are watching or not. They are impossible to fake and “core” to how individuals show up every day.



In case you’re curious, here they are:


We don’t waste time talking about what could never be, rather we focus on all that is possible as long as we are brave enough to dream it!

“If you build it, he will come” – (Ray, Field of Dreams)


We don’t limit ourselves to our current ability and we never accept the status quo. We believe in the power of work and tenacity to overcome talent and circumstance.

“I’m hoping to do some good in the world!” – (Hermione, Harry Potter)


We’re not fond of excuses and generally don’t like others that are. We believe in the healing qualities of hard work and find it more difficult to power down than to power on.

“Do or do not, there is no ‘Try’” – (Yoda, Star Wars)


Be real. Be you. If you’re not, we’ll call you on it. We wear our weird on our sleeves and spend zero energy on trying to be something we’re not.

“I’m freaking dope.” – (Jessica James, The Incredible Jessica James)


The joy and success that I achieve is only made valuable in my ability to share that joy and success with the team. If the goal is scored it makes no difference who was the last person to touch the puck.

“One person struggles, we all struggle. One person triumphs, we all triumph” – (Coach Carter, Coach Carter)

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We stand on the shoulders of those who worked tirelessly to build our community. We have the steadfast responsibility and privilege to honor them through our commitment to opening doors to the individuals, groups, and designations that have been historically under-served and under-represented. At Avenica, we vow to work tirelessly to expand access, create connections, repel racism, and always pursue justice and inclusion. We do this, not only because it is right, but because we fundamentally believe that through unleashing the vast potential of all people that we will achieve new heights.

Read our full commitment HERE.


Arch Advisory Group has joined forces with Avenica. You can learn about Arch Advisory Group and its services at