Job searching can feel like a full-time job. It involves consistent dedication searching for roles, applying, interviewing, and overcoming rejection. Rejection is something many people encounter throughout their job search, but there’s one thing job seekers can do to help improve their chances of finding that perfect role.

That one thing is asking for feedback! Asking for feedback during or after an interview can be daunting. It can make us feel inadequate or like we performed poorly in the interview. However, the truth is that asking for feedback can help us in multiple ways. Feedback could be related to anything from specific interviewing skills (i.e. how you answered each question) to how you conducted yourself in the interview; it could even be feedback that helps identify your interests for future interviews.

Below are important reasons as to why asking for feedback is critical and how it can aid your job search:

1. It shows your willingness to learn and a growth mindset.

This is an important skill for a potential new employee to have as it shows that you are seeking to improve. It also demonstrates your ability to accept constructive criticism, another important trait employers seek in potential employees.

2. It demonstrates a commitment to self-improvement.

By receiving feedback from a professional you can identify areas where you struggle in interviews. This will allow you to work on specific areas for development, thus helping you might be considered for a similar one or one you might be better suited for in the future.

3. It creates potential new opportunities.

When you ask for feedback, you are making a positive impression on the interviewer. This can be beneficial; if you are not considered for the applied role, you might be considered for a similar one or one you might be better suited for in the future.

4. It clarifies ability and position in the process for the role.

Asking for feedback lets you see where you stand in the process. It also helps you understand the reasons for potentially not being considered. This could have been something like the role not aligning with your desired hours or something on the employer’s side. All this helps you feel better by having a conclusive answer as to why you may or may not have been selected for the role.

5. It helps reveal your interests.

When people apply for jobs, they apply to anything and everything that they could be capable of doing based on their skills and experience. However, just because you can do it doesn’t mean you want to do it. Job searching consumes your focus and limits your ability to think about what is right for you. Asking for feedback in an interview can allow the interviewer to point out the roles you may be better suited for based on interests you may have overlooked.

6. It establishes rapport and a relationship with the interviewer.

Job searching is difficult to do alone. By asking for feedback, you establish more rapport with the interviewer and could even build a professional relationship with them. This, in turn, gives you access to their network, which could lead to the opportunity you have been looking for. Utilizing connections and networks can go a long way and could lead you to find your perfect role.

All in all, asking for feedback may be intimidating, but it is something that can help you immensely in your job search and in your professional journey! It not only helps you improve your skills but also assists you in learning more about yourself than you would have without seeking feedback!


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