Navigating the Application Process

When it comes to applying for jobs, the process can be overwhelming and tiresome. It can be discouraging and difficult to find the motivation to apply when you feel lost in your search. However, applying for jobs is a crucial step in the hiring process. It not only shows your interest in the position, but it informs the employer of your skills and experience. Knowing how to apply for jobs is a key factor that will help to improve your chances of receiving an invitation to interview. To help you successfully navigate the application process, try these tips:

  • Be Organized – It is important to be organized when it comes to applying for jobs. It is easy to forget what you have applied for and soon everything starts to blend together. One easy way to avoid this is by having a system to document your progress. Create an excel sheet listing the name of the company, job title, date you applied, or any other information that may be important for you to remember. If you prefer writing things down, use a notebook to help keep track of your progress. There are countless apps and platforms online to help your job tracking, too!
  • Research – Before applying to a position, make sure you have fully read the job description and taken a look at the company’s website. You want to ensure that the position you are applying for is something that you are not only a fit for, but interested in as well. Be curious -, research and have an interest inat the roles you are looking into!
  • Be Yourself – The application process is designed for the employer to get to know you better. It is important to be your true, authentic self when applying for jobs. Remember that the employer also wants you to do well and wants to see you for who you are as a person, not just an employee.

  • Tailor Your Application – Customizing your resume or cover letter for the position you are applying for is a great way to catch the attention of the hiring manager. Use keywords from the job description and desired skills listed. Adjusting the phrasing of these skills and accomplishments can help your application land on top.
  • Use Multiple Platforms – Explore online job boards, company websites, and professional networking platforms to find suitable job openings. You can also leverage your professional network by informing your friends, family, and colleagues about your job search. In addition, attend networking events or industry-related gatherings.Not only is self-care important, but so is setting boundaries for yourself. Work is only one aspect of your life – don’t let it overtake other parts! To create these boundaries, define what your specific work hours are and stick to those, even confirming your hours with your manager so that you are both in agreement with your expectations. We all know there are times when overtime is needed, but try not to let that become the norm if possible.

Remember to be persistent, patient, and adaptable throughout the job search process. Each application and interview is a learning opportunity that can contribute to your overall success. Good luck!

If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse jobs today! We help entry-level and mid-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals. Find more advice to help you in your job search.

The Dos and Don’ts of Interview Small Talk


The Dos and Don’ts of Interview Small Talk

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Small talk is a form of conversation that helps people establish rapport, build relationships, and create a comfortable atmosphere in various social or professional settings. Utilizing small talk in a job interview is a way to establish rapport before diving into the more formal aspects of the interview such as your interest, qualifications, and fit for a position, and allows an employer to see your personality and communication skills.

It’s a skill that can be developed with practice, and the more you engage in it, the more natural it will become. Here are some dos and don’ts for incorporating small talk into a job interview:


1. Do Be Friendly and Approachable: Start with a warm and friendly demeanor to create a positive atmosphere.

2. Do Research: Before the interview, research the company and the interviewer, if possible, to find common ground for small talk.

3. Do Show Genuine Interest: Actively listen to the interviewer and respond with genuine interest in their comments.

4. Do Use Good Body Language: Maintain good eye contact, smile, and use open and relaxed body language to convey attentiveness.

5. Do Keep It Professional: While being friendly, remember you’re in a professional setting. Keep the conversation appropriate and respectful.

6. Do Stay Positive: Keep the conversation upbeat. Avoid complaining or bringing up negative topics.


1. Don’t Overshare: Avoid sharing overly personal information. Keep the conversation focused on professional and neutral topics.

2. Don’t Interrupt: Let the interviewer finish their thoughts before responding. Interrupting can be seen as rude.

3. Don’t Get Off Track: While small talk is a way to build rapport, don’t let it derail the interview schedule or focus.

4. Don’t Bring Up Controversial Topics: Avoid discussing sensitive or controversial topics such as politics, religion, or personal problems.

5. Don’t Dominate the Conversation: Remember that small talk should be balanced. Avoid  dominating the conversation or monopolizing the interviewer’s time.

6. Don’t Be Negative: Avoid negative comments about previous employers or colleagues, as this can reflect poorly on you.

In essence, small talk during an interview should be a tool to establish rapport and make a positive impression. It’s an opportunity to showcase your social skills and professionalism, so keep it light, positive, and relevant to the professional context.

If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse jobs today! We help entry-level and mid-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals. Find more advice to help you in your job search.

The Power of Feedback

Job searching can feel like a full-time job. It involves consistent dedication searching for roles, applying, interviewing, and overcoming rejection. Rejection is something many people encounter throughout their job search, but there’s one thing job seekers can do to help improve their chances of finding that perfect role.

That one thing is asking for feedback! Asking for feedback during or after an interview can be daunting. It can make us feel inadequate or like we performed poorly in the interview. However, the truth is that asking for feedback can help us in multiple ways. Feedback could be related to anything from specific interviewing skills (i.e. how you answered each question) to how you conducted yourself in the interview; it could even be feedback that helps identify your interests for future interviews.

Below are important reasons as to why asking for feedback is critical and how it can aid your job search:

1. It shows your willingness to learn and a growth mindset.

This is an important skill for a potential new employee to have as it shows that you are seeking to improve. It also demonstrates your ability to accept constructive criticism, another important trait employers seek in potential employees.

2. It demonstrates a commitment to self-improvement.

By receiving feedback from a professional you can identify areas where you struggle in interviews. This will allow you to work on specific areas for development, thus helping you might be considered for a similar one or one you might be better suited for in the future.

3. It creates potential new opportunities.

When you ask for feedback, you are making a positive impression on the interviewer. This can be beneficial; if you are not considered for the applied role, you might be considered for a similar one or one you might be better suited for in the future.

4. It clarifies ability and position in the process for the role.

Asking for feedback lets you see where you stand in the process. It also helps you understand the reasons for potentially not being considered. This could have been something like the role not aligning with your desired hours or something on the employer’s side. All this helps you feel better by having a conclusive answer as to why you may or may not have been selected for the role.

5. It helps reveal your interests.

When people apply for jobs, they apply to anything and everything that they could be capable of doing based on their skills and experience. However, just because you can do it doesn’t mean you want to do it. Job searching consumes your focus and limits your ability to think about what is right for you. Asking for feedback in an interview can allow the interviewer to point out the roles you may be better suited for based on interests you may have overlooked.

6. It establishes rapport and a relationship with the interviewer.

Job searching is difficult to do alone. By asking for feedback, you establish more rapport with the interviewer and could even build a professional relationship with them. This, in turn, gives you access to their network, which could lead to the opportunity you have been looking for. Utilizing connections and networks can go a long way and could lead you to find your perfect role.

All in all, asking for feedback may be intimidating, but it is something that can help you immensely in your job search and in your professional journey! It not only helps you improve your skills but also assists you in learning more about yourself than you would have without seeking feedback!


If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse jobs today! We help entry-level and mid-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals. Find more advice to help you in your job search.

Managing Job Stress: Tips for Self Care and Staying Motivated


Managing Job Stress: Tips for Self Care and Staying Motivated

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At some point in our career, most of us feel the stress of our job. Maybe it’s from a fast-approaching project deadline, a manager who sets unattainable expectations, or simply just too much on your plate.

Job stress can take many forms. Some of us may feel exhausted after the workday – even after 3 cups of coffee. Others may feel anxious, have constant thoughts of work outside of office hours, or even lose sleep over this stress. While these job stressors can impact our overall well-being, the good news is that there are many ways to overcome the mental and physical tolls that job stress can bring.

Self-care is a great way to combat the work woes. Because it allows you to put yourself and your needs above pressures and stresses, self-care is a key to preventing burnout. Here are some examples of what self-care could look like for you:

  • Treat yourself to Starbucks or your favorite local coffee shop on the way to work.
  • Take a 5-minute stretch break away from your desk.
  • Keep water and healthy snacks nearby to maintain energy levels throughout your day.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises before a stressful call or task.
  • Build relationships with your colleagues and talk about some non-work-related topics to build positive relationships in the workspace, even invite someone to grab lunch with you!
  • Take a walk on your break and get some fresh air.

Not only is self-care important, but so is setting boundaries for yourself. Work is only one aspect of your life – don’t let it overtake other parts! To create these boundaries, define what your specific work hours are and stick to those, even confirming your hours with your manager so that you are both in agreement with your expectations. We all know there are times when overtime is needed, but try not to let that become the norm if possible.

To get your work done in those given hours, prioritize your tasks. This could be done with a pen and paper or by utilizing software like Microsoft OneNote if you prefer it to be digital. Prioritizing tasks is helpful but so is setting up a work regimen. Develop a routine that helps you know what to expect each day. If you set aside the same time for certain tasks or meetings each day, then your brain will know what to expect. We are creatures of habit, so find a routine that works for you and your role.

Navigating the demands of a job while maintaining well-being can be a challenge, though not impossible! Prioritizing self-care, establishing clear boundaries, and implementing effective strategies can be helpful in your journey to minimizing job stress. These tips can help find your way to a fulfilling career without invading your personal life.

If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse jobs today! We help entry-level and mid-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals. Find more advice to help you in your job search.

Professional Communication Tips

At Avenica, we are passionate about our candidates’ professional development. A key part of professional development is your communication within the professional world. When starting a new role, communication begins with your application materials (resume and cover letter). It then progresses into your interview and follow-up communication. It doesn’t end when you land the job though; your professional communication style will stay with you throughout your entire career! We are going to share some tips, from our hiring experts, to make a positive impact on your career communication.

First things first, your tone. There is a time and place for casual loose conversations—writing an email to a hiring manager is not one of them. You are representing yourself and your professional abilities when communicating with hiring managers, which requires a level of professionalism that might not be standard in your day-to-day life. You might typically say “LOL” when forwarding an email to your friend, but this is definitely not something to send over to your potential boss! That being said, injecting your own unique personality can help you establish a genuine connection with your audience. Remember, being professional doesn’t mean being robotic or devoid of personality. It means presenting yourself in a respectful manner while still allowing your individuality to shine through.

Next to consider within your professional communication style, is your salutation and closing. It’s crucial to make a strong and concise first impression, and this is a great way to do so. In the salutation, begin with a formal greeting, such as “Dear [Recipient’s Name].” It’s important to be respectful, polite, and avoid using overly casual language when communicating with a potential professional connection. In the conclusion of the email, express gratitude, offer follow-up if necessary, and provide appropriate contact information. Use a closing, such as “Best regards” or “Sincerely,” followed by your name, title, and any relevant details. By maintaining a professional tone throughout the email and ensuring a thoughtful introduction and conclusion, you show your ability to communicate effectively and leave a positive professional impression on your recipients. By doing this, you’re demonstrating your capabilities to communicate well if you land the role.

In addition to emails, there is email’s trendy hip sister: texting. Texting allows for a more relaxed and informal communication style, but it’s important to remember that the context still calls for a level of professionalism. Keep your language clear, concise, and respectful, using proper grammar and punctuation to convey your message effectively. While you can incorporate a touch of informality, such as using contractions or emojis sparingly, it’s crucial to remain mindful of the appropriateness of the conversation and ensure that your tone aligns with the level of formality expected in your professional relationship. Ultimately, if it’s not a text you’d feel good about your future boss reading, you probably shouldn’t be hitting that send button.

To wrap up our professional communication tips, let’s dive into communication accountability. Communication accountability is crucial in the professional world, as it reflects one’s reliability and respect for others’ time. When it comes to accepting email invites, it’s essential to respond promptly, acknowledging the invitation and confirming your attendance or explaining that you cannot attend. If you cannot attend, respond clearly whether you would like to reschedule or not. This not only shows your professionalism but also helps the organizer make necessary arrangements. Additionally, sending a thank-you message after your interview demonstrates appreciation and is a great way to show your interest in the role. Keep your message specific and sincere, highlighting that you are grateful for their time and your continued interest in the role.

By being proactive, respectful, and considerate in your communication, you demonstrate accountability. In addition, you’ll foster positive professional relationships which are built on trust and reliability. These are traits that hiring managers are looking for in potential candidates!

If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse jobs today! We help entry-level and mid-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals. Find more advice to help you in your job search.

Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance

Five ways to take care of yourself during the work day

Whether you’re just joining the professional world or have been around the block, you have probably heard the term “work life balance.” But what does this term really mean, and how does one achieve it? That’s what we’re going to be sharing in this article!

Work life balance can be defined as the intersection of work and personal life, and how well these two things balance each other out. If a person’s whole world is absorbed with their work, you might say that they have poor work life balance. When a person can shut their laptop at the end of their day and enjoy their night without thinking about work then you might say they have good work life balance. The “right” mix or balance might be different from person to person, but it’s part of the job to find out what that balance is for you!

When looking for a career you may prioritize opportunities that offer work life balance. We encourage all of our candidate’s to do their due diligence to research the companies they are interested in potentially working with and to consider their desired work life balance. In order to reach your fullest potential balance is vital!

1.)    Keep a healthy snack/drink at your desk

Make sure to keep a bottle of water on your desk to sip on while working and during meetings. Maybe you want to have some fruit slices or crackers, too, that are easy to eat during the day, but hopefully nothing too messy by your computer!

2.)    Get some movement

If you work from home, you may be able to take a few 10–15 minute breaks throughout your day. Consider using this time to go outside and take a short walk. In addition, you could utilize YouTube for a short yoga video, there are even many videos you can find that have desk yoga! It is important not to spend too many hours in a row sitting during the day. If you work in person maybe you could take a lap or two around the office and spend part of your lunch break outside. If you really want to take things to the next level you could even invest in a desk treadmill!

3.)    Stretching at your desk

If pulling up YouTube feels likes a lot during your day, consider doing a few easy stretches while working! You could stretch your neck while typing or touch your toes in between emails. Even a few minutes of stretching a day can make a huge impact in how you feel!

4.)    Have a before work routine

Work takes up most of our day, that’s just the way it is. Because of this, it is a great idea to prepare yourself for the workday. If possible, create a before work routine that prioritizes you! For example, maybe a skin care routine gets you in the right mood or spending some time reading your new book gets you ready for the day!

5.)    Create an after work routine

It can be difficult to transition from work to home at the end of the day. Somethings that can help you shut off your work mind are: changing into something comfortable, taking a quick shower, or decompressing with some music or a show. It can be super helpful to create a habit that helps transition out of working mode that you can complete every day.


If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse jobs today! We help entry-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals. Find more advice to help you in your job search.

The Best Ways to Use LinkedIn 2023

The Best Ways to Use LinkedIn 2023

Do you need a LinkedIn?

Short answer? Yes, you should have a LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a resource for not only your job search, but for career exploration, networking, and growth. On LinkedIn you can access people’s professional credentials, explore what jobs are offered in your industry, and see insights into your career field. It’s likely a hiring manager on LinkedIn might find your profile in your job searching process, and the better your profile, the better impression you’ll make! Your LinkedIn account can build your credibility around who you are and your professional experiences.


So how do you get started on LinkedIn?

The first step is to make a profile! You’ll want to add a recent professional photo as your profile picture. Your company may offer custom LinkedIn banners, you could google a LinkedIn banner to add to your profile, or if you’re feeling creative you can create your own using Canva or Adobe. Then, you will add your career and education history. Add in your personal statement and you will have a great start to your LinkedIn!


What’s the best way to utilize LinkedIn?

There are many ways to use LinkedIn while in your job search and while already employed. Here are some of our top tips on how to utilize LinkedIn.

1.)    Follow companies and people you admire.

For example, if there is a marketing campaign that stood out to you on Instagram, check out LinkedIn to see more information. Are you interested in the next iPhone or electric car company? Follow their LinkedIn page to see what’s coming up next.

2.)    Post your thoughts on industry articles, share work highlights, and lessons learned.

It’s important to cultivate your personal brand in your posts. Comment friendly suggestions or compliments to others’ work accomplishments. Share your own accomplishments or challenges you’ve been having at work and ask for help from your network. You can even demonstrate how you overcame challenges to help others who may encounter similar challenges in the future.

3.)    Actually connect with your connections.

If there is someone who is doing really cool work, send them a message and ask for a coffee chat or informational interview. If someone reaches out to you, engage back with what they are asking or interested in. The whole point of a connection is to connect!

4.)    Add your portfolio or website links.

Do you have a portfolio of your past work that would contribute to your work credibility? That should be in the link section of your profile. It is fantastic for those who work in an industry where past projects can help you land your next role.

5.)    Add certificates, licenses, and projects.

Taking professional development courses? That’s an excellent opportunity to share your growth on LinkedIn. You don’t have to wait until you’re done to share either! When you reach a milestone in your course or work project, that’s a great chance to share with your professional network.

6.)    Follow accounts that inspire you and start scrolling.

The best way to learn how to utilize LinkedIn is by spending time looking at what others are doing. Ask yourself what you’d add or change about their posts and start making posts that you love.


If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse jobs today! We help entry-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals. Find more advice to help you in your job search. You can add Avenica on LinkedIn here.

6 Little Things That Will Help you Get a Job

6 Little Things That Will Help You Get a Job

The little things are sometimes what help you land the job, or even miss out on the opportunity. Our hiring experts at Avenica have compiled a list of the “little things” that end up not being so little in the hiring process. Make your time count by considering the following tips when searching for a role.

1.)    Set up your voicemail.

When a hiring manager gives you a ring it may be to ask to schedule your next interview round or even offer you the role! Without a voicemail, you have no idea what the news is, and it can be discouraging if the hiring manager doesn’t hear back. By setting up a professional voicemail you can be sure that there is no barrier to communication between you and those who want to hire you!

2.)    Keep your emails organized.

If spam and marketing emails are taking up all your space in your email inbox it may be hard to sort through interview emails and even the job offer emails that may be in your inbox. It can be helpful to create a folder where all your virtual meeting links go or flag the ones that have not yet occurred. In addition, keep track of any emails that get auto-trashed after accepting. The last thing both you and the hiring manager want is for you to not be able to find the link to connect.

3.)    Use your professional email address and proper grammar in your application materials.

If you’re still using that old email you made in middle school, that’s great, but not for your job search. Your email is one of the first things hiring managers learn about you and it is important to keep interactions with the hiring manager professional.

Also, make sure your name is capitalized and spelled correctly in your application! Little things like this can make a big impact when hiring managers are looking at applications.

4.)    Texts and emails should maintain professional tones.

Texts with a potential employer aren’t the same as texting your BFF. Texting is a common form of communication in the hiring world, but it is still important to use your best grammar and spelling. Proper punctuation can help make it easier for you to clearly communicate to those who are working to get you a job.

5.)    Create a professional interview environment you can thrive in.

One of the best tricks for this is to DOUBLE CHECK your zoom background before hopping on! If you’re choosing to wear PJ pants with your blazer, that’s fine (though maybe not recommended…), but please make sure that the person you’re meeting with cannot see them. If there is someone else in the room with you, please keep them out of the background.

It is best to have a solid color background or if that is not an option most video apps have the ability to blur your background. If you’re not sure how to do this, look up a quick tutorial on YouTube prior to starting your virtual meeting. Feeling comfortable with technology can help your confidence and the ease at which you can communicate with those who want to hire you.

It’s important to know that the hiring process is an extension of the workplace. Life happens, but it is important to invest in your interview. This means not sitting on the couch or driving during your time with the interviewer. Keep your phone steady in one place to optimize sound and experience for all involved.

6.)    Read the emails that hiring managers send.

In order to get the most out of the time you have with a hiring manager make sure you know who you are talking to on the other end of the interview. Review the company’s core values and what they do, and be sure you understand the position being discussed. It is great to bring any clarifying questions you might have, but it’s up to you to really know generally what you are interviewing for before showing up to the interview.

Messages from the interviewer will most likely contain interview details, so be sure you are aware if something is a video or phone call interview, when it will take place, and if there are any additional steps to take before the interview.


If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse jobs today! We help entry-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals. Find more advice to help you in your job search.

Tips for Setting Professional Goals in 2023


Tips for Setting Professional Goals in 2023

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As 2022 comes to a close it is a great time to take inventory of our accomplishments and look ahead to next year! As the new year approaches, whether you are in your first ever job, or working to make the leap to a new industry, these tips will help you get set up for even bigger professional strides in the coming year.

1.)  Set both long-term and short-term goals

It is important to have “reach goals” that will take a while to complete. These will help project a sense of anticipation and accountability throughout the time it takes to accomplish them. These long-term goals could be goals that take 1-5 years to accomplish. Short-term goals typically take less than a year to accomplish. Short-term goals help give milestones to celebrate and demonstrate you are on the right track to accomplishing those longer-term goals.

Some examples of long-term goals are: To implement a new marketing strategy in your company, with a timeline and deliverables structured into the strategy, or to complete a major project, with deadlines and milestones attached to the project plan.

Some examples of short terms goals are: Facilitate better feedback over the course of a quarter, make a certain number of sales this month, or have one meaningful networking lunch a month.

2.)  Make goals that are both measurable and abstract

It is helpful to be able to see progress by tracking goals through measurable data. For example, if your goal is to complete a course you will be able to track how much of the curriculum you complete. In addition, having a vision and feeling to focus on is just as important. Hand-in-hand with completing the course your goals could be to feel confident in the course material. Taking note in the degree of confidence you have will also push you forward towards this goal.

3.)  Ask someone to hold you accountable

The best way to make a goal happen is to tell others about it. Once you speak it into the world, you will likely feel a bit more pressure to complete it. It is important to share your goals with people who are safe and encouraging, so the pressure is positive and not anxiety inducing. Consider asking a coworker or manager to hold you accountable to your goals this year and schedule regular check-ins on the goals progress.

4.)  Make a vision board

Another great way to make your goals happen is to see them every day. Making a vision board that you keep in your office is a great strategy to encourage yourself to work toward the achieving your goal. This could be as easy as googling images that inspire you and pasting them on a piece of cardboard from the recycle bin! You could also create an online Pinterest board or go as far as to put images and affirmations on a bulletin board – the options are limitless!


If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse jobs today! We help entry-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals. Find more advice to help you in your job search.

Managing Stress And Expectations This Holiday Season


Managing Stress And Holiday Expectations This Holiday Season

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As the holidays and new year approach it is important to take care of yourself. It may feel like a balancing act between holiday cheer and your usual work tasks. There are many end-of-year deadlines and expectations to meet, potential family and social pressure, as well as a change in the weather. With all these factors contributing to a busy time of year, we collected a list of 5 things that may help you manage or relieve some holiday work stress.


1.)    Plan out your holiday work schedule in advance

If you are planning to take time off, ask early so you and your supervisor can manage time together and look ahead for anything that may need to be done before you are out. In addition, look ahead at the beginning of the month to understand which holidays fall on which days of the week. Maybe a meeting will need to be moved or after school care changed. By looking ahead, you can ensure that you have a plan for the holidays in all of the areas of your life.


2.)    Plan time for yourself

Just as looking ahead can help you plan with everyone else in your life, it is important to plan some time for yourself. It might just be spending 5 minutes in the car before or after work on a YouTube meditation or going for a 15-minute walk by yourself to clear your thoughts. It is important to take time for yourself during the holidays as others’ expectations on your time may be higher than other times throughout the year.


3.)    Find out about your employer’s benefits

Many companies offer fitness incentives, mental health resources, and other programs that may offer support during this time of the year (and beyond!). Reach out to your HR department about what may be available to you through your company’s resources.


4.)    Check in with your coworkers

Holidays impact everyone differently, some may be celebrating holiday cheer while others may be looking for support for the season. If possible, take some time to connect with your coworkers to see if you can help support their workload. In addition, consider adding some social connects to your calendar to let your coworkers know that you have their back in their personal life as well.


5.)    Give back

The season of giving is all around. If you are looking for a way to feel good this holiday season look into some local ways to give back to your community. Consider volunteering at a local humane society, food drive or similar opportunity. You may even invite some of your coworkers to participate in a toy drive or other way to give back as a group to promote community within your team.


If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse jobs today! We help entry-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals. Find more advice to help you in your job search.

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