Credit Card Basics

How do I get a credit card?

Most financial institutions (banks) will offer a variety of credit cards. There are also private companies that specialize in more specific credit card programs. In general, you would reach out to the institution or company to inquire about a credit card. They will use information about you including your credit score (see below) to determine your financial risk. From there, you will be approved or declined a credit card based on those factors. Your credit score, income, and other factors will also determine how much credit you will be allowed at a time. This could range from $500 to hundreds of thousands, for example.

What’s a credit score?

This is a great question and one that many people don’t completely understand. A credit score (or Fair Issac Corporation, “FICO” score) is a three-digit number tied to individuals who have opened at least one line of credit; typically, a credit card or loan.

The score itself will range between 300-850 per individual and is based off your:

  • Timeliness of making payments – are you paying your minimums on time?
  • Available credit balance – how much credit is available to you
  • Credit mix – revolving debt (credit cards) and/or installment debt (loans, etc.)
  • Length of your credit history – how long you’ve had a credit card or loan
  • New credit – are you applying for new credit often?

Generally, you need six months of owning a credit card or having credit (through a student loan, for example) to obtain a credit score.

Broken down, here are how the big three credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion) would rate credit score.

  • 800-850 = Exceptional
  • 740-799 = Very Good
  • 670-739 = Good
  • 580-669 = Fair
  • 300-579 = Very Poor

Each of the big three credit bureaus may give you a different score and some lenders or institutions favor one over others. In general, the higher your credit score, the more likely financial institutions and lenders are to lend you money via a loan or credit card at a lower interest rate because you are less of a risk to them. They know you can pay back the debt owed to them efficiently and in full. Lower credit scores are looked at as riskier because of how the scores are calculated and often result in either a denial of credit or loans, or a higher interest rate to make up for the risk.

What types of credit cards are there?

Get ready because there are likely many more types of credit cards than you previously imagined.

There are many different types of credit cards, but the most common types include:

  1. Secured credit cards
  2. Standard unsecured credit cards
  3. Travel rewards credit cards
  4. Credit cards for students
  5. No annual fee credit cards
  6. Business Credit cards
  7. Charge cards
  8. Store credit cards

Each of these have different application requirements and from a value standpoint will vary from person to person.

Super quickly, a secured credit card requires an upfront deposit that protects the card holder. Often this deposit becomes your credit limit. From a risk perspective, this ensures that the credit card company won’t be out any money if you aren’t able to pay off your balance. An unsecured credit card means that you don’t pay an initial deposit to open the card/account.

How do I figure out which one is right for me?

This is the million-dollar question, and the answer is of course, it depends.

There are many credit cards that offer perks like cash-back, travel rewards, or initial rewards bonuses. So, let’s give a couple examples. Let’s say you’re an avid traveler who has some liquidity (meaning you have a good amount of money left over each month after paying off your expenses and debts). You may opt for a credit card that earns you miles with each purchase that you can use on airfare in the future rather than paying cash out of pocket. On the other hand, maybe you’re not looking to travel just yet, are in school, and barely making it by month to month. You would likely do better with a student credit card with a lower APR (Annual Percentage Rate) and lower spending limit that would keep you out of longer-term debt issues. It really depends on your financial position and interests at the end of the day.

What’s an APR?

Good timing! APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate. It is the percentage that credit companies and lenders charge on an annual basis, calculated off your balance. The most common ways you will see this is in the interest applied to your credit account during a billing cycle.

With a Variable APR (the most common credit card APR), you can calculate this by taking your daily rate (divide your credit card’s APR by 365) x average daily balance (add all the balances at the end of each day and divide by the number of days in that billing cycle) x days in billing cycle. That will get you your credit card APR.

A Fixed APR is a fixed rate that you can lock in for a designated period. Keep in mind that fixed rates can sometimes be higher than Variable APRs and can also change based on if you miss payments or your credit score decreases.

If you don’t plan to carry a balance with your credit cards (that should always be your goal), APR won’t impact you as they are based on balances you carry.

Who else can see my credit score?

Another great question. Individuals and entities who have access to your personal credit score are lenders, landlords, utilities, potential employers, and insurance companies. Each of these have a specific reason why they may want access to your credit information, but all get back to the same question of “what is level of risk I take on if lending/servicing/employing this individual?” The higher your credit score, the less risky you appear to these entities, and you may eliminate any need to pay additional fees that offset that risk.

How do I find my own credit card score?

There are a variety of companies that can do a credit report for you or obtain your credit score. A credit report is a statement that details your credit history. A credit score is the three-digit number we mentioned at the beginning of this article. Some loans, financial institutions, and employers will provide annual credit reports to their customers or employees for free. If you’re looking for yours without these resources, you can find more information by visiting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) website.

Should I pay my entire balance each month? Should I only pay the minimum?

Ideally, each month you should pay off your balance so that you have a better ratio of debt to available credit. The minimum balance is truly the “bare-minimum” that you should pay each month to stay in good standing. Not to mention that if you decide not to pay it off in full, you will begin accumulating interest likely as well. That total balance will keep ticking upward!

How do I build credit?

You build credit by paying your debts on time or in full over a period of time. Building credit takes time and discipline. Despite what you may think, having debt can be a good thing. Some debt is looked at more favorably than others! A few debts that are often considered better for your credit would be a mortgage, student loans, and car loans generally. This is because each of them can positively impact your financial position and potentially provide a return on your investment. “Bad debt” would be more often considered credit cards or high-interest loans that are difficult to repay. Now, if you’re paying off your credit card in full each month, that can actually help your credit score, too. The key is to pay on time and be aware of what you can afford to pay off ultimately. Don’t overspend.

What happens if I miss a monthly payment on my credit card?

It depends. Every institution or loan may have specific terms for missed payments and it’s important to familiarize yourself with them before you sign up for a card, loan, or otherwise. Regardless, this does not positively impact your credit and over time can really hurt it.

Can I get a credit card if I have no credit?

Yes, you can. The options for which are available to you may vary though. You may need to start out with a card that is designated a “student credit card” or another introductory card with a higher APR due to your risk profile. But generally, there is a card out there for everyone. Just be sure to understand the minimums and APR you’ll be repaying for that card itself. If you are living paycheck-to-paycheck, a credit card may not be a great option for you just yet.

Why do we have “Credit.” Where does it come from?

Credit is, in other words, your buying or financial power. It’s your promise to pay back a balance from an institution, individual, or other entity. The history of credit dates back thousands of years. It has often been originally linked to farmers. As a farmer’s crops took time to grow, they would need to take out credit from the sellers for the initial seeds they would plant and pay them back plus interest when the harvest was complete, and they had cashflow from the sale of their crops.

Disclaimer: Avenica is not a financial institution or personal finance expert. The information above is for informational purposes only and should not be seen as financial guidance. You should always seek additional information from a financial professional before opening a credit card or taking on any level of debt.

3 Ways to Support your Asian Colleagues


3 Ways to Support your Asian Colleagues

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In recognition of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, Avenica has been looking inward and investigating ways we can continue to support our AAPI colleagues. While AAPI is a nifty acronym that’s inclusive of most Asian and Asian American identities, it does little to fully recognize the vast richness of the AAPI communities, which consist of around 50 ethnic groups, speaking over 100 languages! Given the expansiveness of AAPI identities, how can employers and coworkers help support AAPI folks in the workplace? Here’s a good place to start:

1. Refute the Model Minority Myth

AAPI folks can often be labeled as the “model minority,” which leads to false assumptions that AAPIs have triumphed over discrimination and are much more successful than other marginalized groups. This stereotype, and the individual stories retelling AAPI success, obscure the ongoing struggle for equality and equity in the workplace that many AAPIs still face today.

2. Create strong cultures of inclusion and belonging

In a recent Bain & Company study, feelings of inclusion in the workplace were dismally low, but ranked lowest among Asian women and men. It’s important that people leaders and individual contributor employees help make people feel welcome in physical and virtual spaces where work is done. Inclusion work includes minimizing microaggressions and the use of stereotypes and recognizing the inherent value of individual differences, especially within the AAPI community.

3. Include AAPI in DE&I

Too often, formal DE&I programs focus on Black and Latino communities, excluding other marginalized groups such as AAPIs. Ensuring there’s space for AAPIs in DE&I efforts and programming combats stereotypes, offers reasons for AAPIs to share their stories and experiences, and promotes greater representation of AAPIs in the workplace.

How Parents Can Return to Work After an Employment Gap


How Parents Can Return to Work After an Employment Gap

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A gap in employment has for a long time been considered a bad mark on your resume. However, because of the Pandemic, many individuals (including parents) were forced into a gap. For those individuals, a return to work may seem impossible.

For parents who have a gap in their employment due to the Pandemic or otherwise, we’ve pulled together three tips to get you started on your search.

Determine Your Career Goals

The first question to ask yourself is, “What do I want to do?” It might seem too simple or too vague, but this is the first step to ensuring that you’re doing something that fulfills your needs and your goals. For some this may mean returning to an old industry or your last role, but for others this may mean exploring new career paths or industries that get you closer to your career goals. Is it a certain salary you want to reach? Perhaps a title? Or maybe you’re just looking to do a little good in the world. Determine your career goals and put them on paper.

Identify Your Non-Negotiables

Your non-negotiables are essentially the things you cannot sacrifice when it comes to your career. For example, a “no go” for working parents could be that you need to be at pick-up for your children at 3:15pm each day. It could also mean that you need access to mental health support and resources. Create your own list of all the things you won’t compromise on. This tip is incredibly important for parents and will shape what options you take a closer look at.

Explore The Market

Resources like this blog and others are available to you as you begin your search. Block out time in your day to explore the job market and get an idea of what’s out there. While there are many jobs available right now, finding the right one for you still takes time. We recognize that for parents, spare time is one of the most rare and valuable commodities. Prioritize your exploration, dedicate one or two hours to this, and check out our current job postings to get started.

For more general tips on returning to employment after an employment gap or how to talk about an employment gap with a potential employer, check out the full interview below with WCCO | CBS Minnesota featuring our very own Lauren Olson.


About Avenica

If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse our current job openings! We help entry-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals every day. To learn more about us, visit our About Us page.

How To Find Entry Level Remote Jobs


How Parents Can Return to Work After an Employment Gap

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A gap in employment has for a long time been considered a bad mark on your resume. However, because of the Pandemic, many individuals (including parents) were forced into a gap. For those individuals, a return to work may seem impossible.

For parents who have a gap in their employment due to the Pandemic or otherwise, we’ve pulled together three tips to get you started on your search.

Determine Your Career Goals

The first question to ask yourself is, “What do I want to do?” It might seem too simple or too vague, but this is the first step to ensuring that you’re doing something that fulfills your needs and your goals. For some this may mean returning to an old industry or your last role, but for others this may mean exploring new career paths or industries that get you closer to your career goals. Is it a certain salary you want to reach? Perhaps a title? Or maybe you’re just looking to do a little good in the world. Determine your career goals and put them on paper.

Identify Your Non-Negotiables

Your non-negotiables are essentially the things you cannot sacrifice when it comes to your career. For example, a “no go” for working parents could be that you need to be at pick-up for your children at 3:15pm each day. It could also mean that you need access to mental health support and resources. Create your own list of all the things you won’t compromise on. This tip is incredibly important for parents and will shape what options you take a closer look at.

Explore The Market

Resources like this blog and others are available to you as you begin your search. Block out time in your day to explore the job market and get an idea of what’s out there. While there are many jobs available right now, finding the right one for you still takes time. We recognize that for parents, spare time is one of the most rare and valuable commodities. Prioritize your exploration, dedicate one or two hours to this, and check out our current job postings to get started.

For more general tips on returning to employment after an employment gap or how to talk about an employment gap with a potential employer, check out the full interview below with WCCO | CBS Minnesota featuring our very own Lauren Olson.


About Avenica

If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse our current job openings! We help entry-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals every day. To learn more about us, visit our About Us page.

3 Journal Prompts for Your Job Search Process


How Parents Can Return to Work After an Employment Gap

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A gap in employment has for a long time been considered a bad mark on your resume. However, because of the Pandemic, many individuals (including parents) were forced into a gap. For those individuals, a return to work may seem impossible.

For parents who have a gap in their employment due to the Pandemic or otherwise, we’ve pulled together three tips to get you started on your search.

Determine Your Career Goals

The first question to ask yourself is, “What do I want to do?” It might seem too simple or too vague, but this is the first step to ensuring that you’re doing something that fulfills your needs and your goals. For some this may mean returning to an old industry or your last role, but for others this may mean exploring new career paths or industries that get you closer to your career goals. Is it a certain salary you want to reach? Perhaps a title? Or maybe you’re just looking to do a little good in the world. Determine your career goals and put them on paper.

Identify Your Non-Negotiables

Your non-negotiables are essentially the things you cannot sacrifice when it comes to your career. For example, a “no go” for working parents could be that you need to be at pick-up for your children at 3:15pm each day. It could also mean that you need access to mental health support and resources. Create your own list of all the things you won’t compromise on. This tip is incredibly important for parents and will shape what options you take a closer look at.

Explore The Market

Resources like this blog and others are available to you as you begin your search. Block out time in your day to explore the job market and get an idea of what’s out there. While there are many jobs available right now, finding the right one for you still takes time. We recognize that for parents, spare time is one of the most rare and valuable commodities. Prioritize your exploration, dedicate one or two hours to this, and check out our current job postings to get started.

For more general tips on returning to employment after an employment gap or how to talk about an employment gap with a potential employer, check out the full interview below with WCCO | CBS Minnesota featuring our very own Lauren Olson.


About Avenica

If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse our current job openings! We help entry-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals every day. To learn more about us, visit our About Us page.

How to Find A Work-From-Home Job That Requires No Experience


How Parents Can Return to Work After an Employment Gap

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A gap in employment has for a long time been considered a bad mark on your resume. However, because of the Pandemic, many individuals (including parents) were forced into a gap. For those individuals, a return to work may seem impossible.

For parents who have a gap in their employment due to the Pandemic or otherwise, we’ve pulled together three tips to get you started on your search.

Determine Your Career Goals

The first question to ask yourself is, “What do I want to do?” It might seem too simple or too vague, but this is the first step to ensuring that you’re doing something that fulfills your needs and your goals. For some this may mean returning to an old industry or your last role, but for others this may mean exploring new career paths or industries that get you closer to your career goals. Is it a certain salary you want to reach? Perhaps a title? Or maybe you’re just looking to do a little good in the world. Determine your career goals and put them on paper.

Identify Your Non-Negotiables

Your non-negotiables are essentially the things you cannot sacrifice when it comes to your career. For example, a “no go” for working parents could be that you need to be at pick-up for your children at 3:15pm each day. It could also mean that you need access to mental health support and resources. Create your own list of all the things you won’t compromise on. This tip is incredibly important for parents and will shape what options you take a closer look at.

Explore The Market

Resources like this blog and others are available to you as you begin your search. Block out time in your day to explore the job market and get an idea of what’s out there. While there are many jobs available right now, finding the right one for you still takes time. We recognize that for parents, spare time is one of the most rare and valuable commodities. Prioritize your exploration, dedicate one or two hours to this, and check out our current job postings to get started.

For more general tips on returning to employment after an employment gap or how to talk about an employment gap with a potential employer, check out the full interview below with WCCO | CBS Minnesota featuring our very own Lauren Olson.


About Avenica

If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse our current job openings! We help entry-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals every day. To learn more about us, visit our About Us page.

5 Ways to Support Black Employees


How Parents Can Return to Work After an Employment Gap

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A gap in employment has for a long time been considered a bad mark on your resume. However, because of the Pandemic, many individuals (including parents) were forced into a gap. For those individuals, a return to work may seem impossible.

For parents who have a gap in their employment due to the Pandemic or otherwise, we’ve pulled together three tips to get you started on your search.

Determine Your Career Goals

The first question to ask yourself is, “What do I want to do?” It might seem too simple or too vague, but this is the first step to ensuring that you’re doing something that fulfills your needs and your goals. For some this may mean returning to an old industry or your last role, but for others this may mean exploring new career paths or industries that get you closer to your career goals. Is it a certain salary you want to reach? Perhaps a title? Or maybe you’re just looking to do a little good in the world. Determine your career goals and put them on paper.

Identify Your Non-Negotiables

Your non-negotiables are essentially the things you cannot sacrifice when it comes to your career. For example, a “no go” for working parents could be that you need to be at pick-up for your children at 3:15pm each day. It could also mean that you need access to mental health support and resources. Create your own list of all the things you won’t compromise on. This tip is incredibly important for parents and will shape what options you take a closer look at.

Explore The Market

Resources like this blog and others are available to you as you begin your search. Block out time in your day to explore the job market and get an idea of what’s out there. While there are many jobs available right now, finding the right one for you still takes time. We recognize that for parents, spare time is one of the most rare and valuable commodities. Prioritize your exploration, dedicate one or two hours to this, and check out our current job postings to get started.

For more general tips on returning to employment after an employment gap or how to talk about an employment gap with a potential employer, check out the full interview below with WCCO | CBS Minnesota featuring our very own Lauren Olson.


About Avenica

If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse our current job openings! We help entry-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals every day. To learn more about us, visit our About Us page.

Celebrating women


How Parents Can Return to Work After an Employment Gap

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A gap in employment has for a long time been considered a bad mark on your resume. However, because of the Pandemic, many individuals (including parents) were forced into a gap. For those individuals, a return to work may seem impossible.

For parents who have a gap in their employment due to the Pandemic or otherwise, we’ve pulled together three tips to get you started on your search.

Determine Your Career Goals

The first question to ask yourself is, “What do I want to do?” It might seem too simple or too vague, but this is the first step to ensuring that you’re doing something that fulfills your needs and your goals. For some this may mean returning to an old industry or your last role, but for others this may mean exploring new career paths or industries that get you closer to your career goals. Is it a certain salary you want to reach? Perhaps a title? Or maybe you’re just looking to do a little good in the world. Determine your career goals and put them on paper.

Identify Your Non-Negotiables

Your non-negotiables are essentially the things you cannot sacrifice when it comes to your career. For example, a “no go” for working parents could be that you need to be at pick-up for your children at 3:15pm each day. It could also mean that you need access to mental health support and resources. Create your own list of all the things you won’t compromise on. This tip is incredibly important for parents and will shape what options you take a closer look at.

Explore The Market

Resources like this blog and others are available to you as you begin your search. Block out time in your day to explore the job market and get an idea of what’s out there. While there are many jobs available right now, finding the right one for you still takes time. We recognize that for parents, spare time is one of the most rare and valuable commodities. Prioritize your exploration, dedicate one or two hours to this, and check out our current job postings to get started.

For more general tips on returning to employment after an employment gap or how to talk about an employment gap with a potential employer, check out the full interview below with WCCO | CBS Minnesota featuring our very own Lauren Olson.


About Avenica

If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse our current job openings! We help entry-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals every day. To learn more about us, visit our About Us page.

Benefits Basics

A gap in employment has for a long time been considered a bad mark on your resume. However, because of the Pandemic, many individuals (including parents) were forced into a gap. For those individuals, a return to work may seem impossible.

For parents who have a gap in their employment due to the Pandemic or otherwise, we’ve pulled together three tips to get you started on your search.

Determine Your Career Goals

The first question to ask yourself is, “What do I want to do?” It might seem too simple or too vague, but this is the first step to ensuring that you’re doing something that fulfills your needs and your goals. For some this may mean returning to an old industry or your last role, but for others this may mean exploring new career paths or industries that get you closer to your career goals. Is it a certain salary you want to reach? Perhaps a title? Or maybe you’re just looking to do a little good in the world. Determine your career goals and put them on paper.

Identify Your Non-Negotiables

Your non-negotiables are essentially the things you cannot sacrifice when it comes to your career. For example, a “no go” for working parents could be that you need to be at pick-up for your children at 3:15pm each day. It could also mean that you need access to mental health support and resources. Create your own list of all the things you won’t compromise on. This tip is incredibly important for parents and will shape what options you take a closer look at.

Explore The Market

Resources like this blog and others are available to you as you begin your search. Block out time in your day to explore the job market and get an idea of what’s out there. While there are many jobs available right now, finding the right one for you still takes time. We recognize that for parents, spare time is one of the most rare and valuable commodities. Prioritize your exploration, dedicate one or two hours to this, and check out our current job postings to get started.

For more general tips on returning to employment after an employment gap or how to talk about an employment gap with a potential employer, check out the full interview below with WCCO | CBS Minnesota featuring our very own Lauren Olson.


About Avenica

If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse our current job openings! We help entry-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals every day. To learn more about us, visit our About Us page.

The Best Ways to Find Remote Jobs


How Parents Can Return to Work After an Employment Gap

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A gap in employment has for a long time been considered a bad mark on your resume. However, because of the Pandemic, many individuals (including parents) were forced into a gap. For those individuals, a return to work may seem impossible.

For parents who have a gap in their employment due to the Pandemic or otherwise, we’ve pulled together three tips to get you started on your search.

Determine Your Career Goals

The first question to ask yourself is, “What do I want to do?” It might seem too simple or too vague, but this is the first step to ensuring that you’re doing something that fulfills your needs and your goals. For some this may mean returning to an old industry or your last role, but for others this may mean exploring new career paths or industries that get you closer to your career goals. Is it a certain salary you want to reach? Perhaps a title? Or maybe you’re just looking to do a little good in the world. Determine your career goals and put them on paper.

Identify Your Non-Negotiables

Your non-negotiables are essentially the things you cannot sacrifice when it comes to your career. For example, a “no go” for working parents could be that you need to be at pick-up for your children at 3:15pm each day. It could also mean that you need access to mental health support and resources. Create your own list of all the things you won’t compromise on. This tip is incredibly important for parents and will shape what options you take a closer look at.

Explore The Market

Resources like this blog and others are available to you as you begin your search. Block out time in your day to explore the job market and get an idea of what’s out there. While there are many jobs available right now, finding the right one for you still takes time. We recognize that for parents, spare time is one of the most rare and valuable commodities. Prioritize your exploration, dedicate one or two hours to this, and check out our current job postings to get started.

For more general tips on returning to employment after an employment gap or how to talk about an employment gap with a potential employer, check out the full interview below with WCCO | CBS Minnesota featuring our very own Lauren Olson.


About Avenica

If you’re looking for information on how to kickstart your career, browse our current job openings! We help entry-level job seekers find positions that fit their expertise and career goals every day. To learn more about us, visit our About Us page.

Arch Advisory Group has joined forces with Avenica. You can learn about Arch Advisory Group and its services at